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    How to see hidden Friends List on Facebook

    So, one thing that makes Facebook the most popular social media platform is that it regularly has new updates. You can always share new stuff like posting photos and videos, share what’s on your mind, and connect with friends. When connecting with friends, it’s normal to check out who your Friend is friends with, too.

    The thing is, not all friend lists are public. Sometimes, Facebook users make their friend list private for privacy reasons. So you may not be able to see all your Friend’s friends. That’s okay, though, because, in this extensive guide, you will learn various methods on how to still look at your Friend’s friends who are hidden on Facebook. So, let’s continue.

    how to see hidden friends list on facebook

    What is a Facebook Friend list?

    A Facebook Friend list allows you to organize your friends into lists so you can customize what they see on your profile. For example, you may have some friends you want to share all your updates with and other friends you only want to share certain things with.

    Friend lists give you more control over your privacy and what you share on Facebook. You can create lists for:

    • Close friends and family members
    • Coworkers
    • Acquaintances
    • Restricted (for those you want to limit what they see)

    This allows you to share different content among specific friends.

    To view your Friend lists, go to your profile and click the “Friends” tab under your profile picture. There, you’ll see your default “Friends” list as well as any other lists you’ve created. Click a list of people to see who’s in it.

    Some other things you can do with lists:

    • Choose which lists can see certain posts. When sharing a status, photo, or life event, select which list(s) you want to share within the audience selector.
    • Restrict people on certain lists from seeing your updates at all.
    • Add and remove friends from lists. Click the list, then “Add friends” or select friends and click “Remove from list”.
    • Delete an entire list. Click the list, then select “Delete list.” Anyone in the deleted list will be added back to your default “Friends” list.

    Friend lists provide more control and privacy over what you share on Facebook. Use them to organize your friends in a way that makes sense to you. Your social life will thank you!

    Why Do People Hide Their Friends on Facebook?

    A lot of people value their privacy on Facebook and choose to hide their friends list from public view. There are a few common reasons why:

    Trust Issues

    Some folks just don’t trust that their information is secure on social media. By hiding their friends, they hope to keep their connections and relationships more private.

    Avoid Judgment

    Others want to avoid being judged for who they associate with on Facebook. They may have friends from different walks of life or with diverse views and prefer that people can’t see the full list of friends and make assumptions.

    Exes and Old Flames

    Let’s be real; we’ve all had that ex we just can’t seem to unfriend. Rather than broadcast that you’re still connected, it’s easier to just hide your friends list so no one’s the wiser.

    Professional Image

    If you use Facebook for work or business, you may want to cultivate a professional image. Having a hidden friends list allows you to connect with a wider range of people without worrying about how it may appear to colleagues or clients.

    As you can see, there are quite a few reasons why people may hide their Facebook friends list. At the end of the day, it comes down to personal privacy and sharing only what you’re comfortable with on social media. Whether you hide your own friends list or not, try not to make assumptions about others who do.

    How to see Hidden Friends List on Facebook

    Some of your friends probably hid their friend list from you on Facebook. But don’t worry; there are still many ways you can see who they’re connected to. A few of the methods that we will show you are actually pretty simple once you know the tricks. Want to learn what they are? Continue reading to find out.

    Seeing Hidden Friends Using a Mutual Friend

    The easiest way to see someone’s hidden friends on Facebook is to ask from one of your mutual friends. If one of your friends is hiding their friends from you, there’s a good chance they aren’t hiding them from someone else you both know. That’s why one of the best methods might be to chat with a friend you have in common and see if they would be willing to pull up that person’s friend list for you.

    Seeing Hidden Friends by Identifying Your Facebook Mutual Friends

    To see a person’s hidden friend list by identifying your Facebook mutual friends.

    Just follow the step-by-step procedure below:

    • Login to your Facebook account using the web browser.
    • Go to the person’s Facebook profile whose mutual friends you want to see.
    • Click on any picture or post uploaded by your Friend and look for “fbid=”.
    • Copy the number between “fbid=” and “&”.
    • On a new tab in your browser, and paste .https://www.facebook.com/search/[fbid]/friends/ in your browser’s search bar.
    • Change the [fbid] with the number you copied and hit “Enter” on your keyboard.

    This will show you a complete list of the person’s friends.

    See Hidden Mutual Friend List on Facebook (Between two people)

    If you want to see a list of hidden mutual friends between two people on Facebook, here is a simple hack:

    • Login to your Facebook account using the web browser.
    • Find the profile ID of both the profiles whose mutual friends you want to see.
    • Paste the following URL https://www.facebook.com/target_name/Friend1?and=Friend2 in a new tab.
    • Replace “Friend1” and “Friend2” with their profile ID and hit “Enter” on your keyboard.

    This will bring up the list of mutual friends between those two people.

    Seeing Hidden Friends Through the Facebook Feature: “Graph Search” /  “Chart Search Feature”

    Let’s say you’re trying to find friends of Sarah. You know she works at company X and lives in London. To search for people who might know her, you can look up some keywords related to Sarah’s situation.

    For instance, you could search “People who work at X and live in London”. That should pull up anyone who shares those important details with Sarah – where they work and live. Any matches could potentially be friends of hers since they’ve probably crossed paths. It gives you a place to start in trying to connect Sarah to other people she may already know.

    Seeing Hidden Friends Using the Friend Finder

    With this method, it is easily possible to know who your Friend is friends with. For this method to work, you need at least one common link with the person whose Friend list you want to view.

    On the Friend Finder page, you can see mutual friends between the person whose Friend list you want to see and the common links you share.

    Just follow the below steps:

    • Login to your Facebook account using the web browser.
    • Search for ‘Friend Finder Page’.
    • On the ‘Friend Finder Page’, scroll down to find the ‘Mutual Friends’ section.
    • Click on the profile page of the Friend whose Friend list you want to see, and you can see each other’s mutual friends.

    Seeing Hidden Friends using Social Revealer

    The Social Revealer Google extension is a powerful tool that lets you see someone’s full friend list on Facebook, even if they’ve made it private.

    All you have to do is add it to your Chrome browser – it’s really simple. Just go to the Chrome Web Store and search for “Social Revealer”. Then, hit the “Add to Chrome” button. Once it’s installed, you can type in any Facebook profile, and it will show you all their friends.

    Here’s how to do it:

    • Open your Google Chrome browser
    • Install the Social Revealer extension which is available in the Google Chrome web store.
    • Go to the profile of the person whose mutual friends you want to see.
    • Click on the ‘Social Revealer’ extension in your Chrome browser.
    • Click on “See Friends”.
    • The person’s friend list will open in a new tab.


    So there you have it! Now you know how to see hidden friends on your Facebook friend’s list. Pretty cool tricks, right? It’s amazing what little features are tucked away on social media platforms if you just do a bit of digging. Use these new tricks wisely, and don’t go randomly stalking people (that’s just creepy). Good luck!